1,485 Students/Community Members Impacted As one of the six Project Funds supported by the Foundation, it is our hope that our Champion Projects help the children and youth at ECS to: nurture their moral and spiritual development; develop their leadership and team-building skills; and to practice their Catholic social justice responsibilities.
Our Lady of Victories |Indoor School Community Wellness
The goal of this project is to "give our school community the opportunity to grow our community spirit, increase our well-being as a school, and enhance our Catholic identity as students of ECSD" - Our Lady of Victories Staff/Students This project involves the purchase of sensory materials, art and crafts supplies, and building calming spaces in classrooms and hallways. "We want to express our thoughts and emotions by using tools that will help us do our best and by doing more art and crafts inspired by our faith and core values which will help our school community feel calmer and happier." - Our Lady of Victories Staff/Students
St. Martin | Child Led Sensory Room
"This year, our student population has increased substantially due to the relocation of many Ukrainian families fleeing the war in Ukraine. We would like to expand our child led sensory room to provide a nurturing environment for students to have a reflective and calm space to learn, grow, and feel comfortable in their learning environment with other students and staff in our school community. Through Catholic faith, this room offers a space for children to have the opportunity to self-regulate and have personal reflection time, while praying to God in a quiet child led space." - St. Martin Staff
St. Martin | Recess Leaders
The goal of this project is "to provide older students with leadership opportunities during recess times. This project will give them tools to use during both outdoor and indoor recesses, in order to make sure all students are happy and included during recess time. Recess leaders are assigned a zone of the school yard and they monitor this zone each recess. The money would be used to purchase different kinds of equipment and materials for both indoor and outdoor recesses for Recess Leaders to use." - St. Martin Staff
Our Lady of Mount Carmel | Greenhouse
"This project will encourage students to become better stewards of the environment and to wonder at God's creation; this serves the Division's Catholic Education goal of Sacramentality. Food grown in the greenhouse will be distributed to the less fortunate, reinforcing the principle of Hospitality and Justice. While learning gardening skills and working together as a team, students will learn and improve their skills at working as a community and challenging the longstanding traditions of their ancestors in tending to the earth." - Our Lady of Mount Carmel School Project Team
St. Timothy | St. Timothy Chapel
"The goal of this project is to provide students with the opportunity to see their faith in action. We want to empower our students to live their faith. Our faith through the sacraments encourages tangible symbols of God's grace. The chapel will be a physical embodiment of their faith. The chapel will be a stepping stone to further Catholic educational experiences for the students and staff of St. Timothy. Through this process our student committee is being provided formation opportunities that will further their participation in our faith and enable them to discern the presence of God in their lives." - St. Timothy Staff