As one of the six Project Funds supported by the Foundation, it is our hope that our Champion Projects help the children and youth at ECS to: nurture their moral and spiritual development; develop their leadership and team-building skills; and to practice their Catholic social justice responsibilities.
St. Catherine School | Fit for Life
This project is meant to teach students to be health literate. To show how physical health can impact mental health for the better. Also, meant to teach independent sports so students that do not relate with team sports can have space to work on fitness independently. The students will design a program and purchase equipment to support it.
Jean Forest | Young Women Social Justice Champions
By identifying female roles in society and understanding women’s issues in learning, working and living fully, the Jean Forest Leadership Academy empowers young women to achieve academically and grow spiritually by developing their gifts and talents through social justice initiatives. All activities are student-centred and implemented. The students are responsible for planning the activities during each event and for analyzing the success after they have been completed.
St. Vincent School | Outdoor Learning Space
The goal of this project is to create a collaborative space outdoors where students can enhance their learning in an alternative environment. This will not only help students to appreciate their natural surroundings but also a space where they can learn and collaborate with one another.
Archbishop Joseph MacNeil | Tower Gardening for the Future
With funding the SWAT (Student Wellness Activity Team) members will be able to purchase tower gardening equipment and supplies. As the initiative grows so too will the responsibilities of our SWAT members, as they will be expected to work with our community partners (Edmonton Horticultural Society & Board of Land Stewardship Center of Canada) to end the year with a harvest event.
St. Justin School | Champions of Learning
Reinvent and update our outdated library space and book collection, in order to provide a rich learning environment for the entire St. Justin community. In keeping with the current District and School Growth Plans, every effort will be made to provide a rich environment which will enhance foundational competencies in literacy and numeracy.
St. Kateri School | Leadership Patrollers
The Leadership Patrollers are grade 6 students who have volunteered to become motivators and leaders on the school's playground. These students initiate games and activities for the school and ensure that every student has an opportunity to do something fun and engaging at recess.
St. Monica | Rosary Garden
The goal is to work together as a community and develop a space that is sacred and definitive of our Catholic identity. To teach the students discipleship is about living your life the way Jesus teaches us. We will do this by teaching the students about Mary, the Hail Mary prayer and the lived experience of gathering together with friends to talk about our beliefs and grow in faith through prayer as a community, in nature.
Our Lady of Peace School | Faith Based Learning
The goal of our project is to provide our students with an agenda book and a bible that is full of faith-filled content. Not only is permeation of faith occurring, but the students are getting into the habit of writing homework and other important information into their agenda. The Bibles stay with the children as they go through elementary and are then given to them in grade 6.
Monsignor Fee Otterson | Young Authors |Maker Faire
The goal of the Young Authors project is to invite inner city students to the "Young Authors Conference" and expose them to real life experiences that will help spark their interest in literacy.
The Makerfaire conference will be a one day event hosted at Monsignor Fee Otterson school with numerous Makerspace sessions that students from schools across the district will be able to participate in. Sessions offered will focus on Robotics, Coding, building with a variety of materials, environemental activities, Minecraft, stop motion, video/ image production, 3D printing, electronics/electricity and Design learning challenges.
St. Rose | Godspell
Godspell is a musical play based on the Gospel according to Matthew. In this play, Jesus develops a community of friends and followers, explores the parables by bringing aspects of them to life, and finally experiences the Passion while his community tries to help him. This project is bringing together students from all of the Jr. High grade levels, and is allowing them to connect through the sharing of their skills and enthusiasms.
John Paul I | Learning Commons
The goal of the project is:
• To create a visual learning space that enhances our Catholic identity • To provide learning opportunities that address and challenge individual student learning needs, beyond what may be possible in a regular classroom • To re-invigorate the physical hub of the school and create a space that encourages students and teachers to extend their learning outside of the regular environment